
间日疟原虫抗药基因突变研究进展 被引量:1

Genetic mutations in Plasmodium vivax associated with drug resistance
摘要 疟疾作为一种全球性寄生虫病,因其较高的致死率而备受瞩目。目前,全球约28.5亿人面临感染间日疟的风险,间日疟在全世界各地的发病率正日趋增加;由于对间日疟的认识较少和研究手段有限,间日疟的消灭将带来更大的技术挑战。间日疟抗药性的不断蔓延情况令人担忧,本文就间日疟原虫基因多样性及目前发现的间日疟原虫抗药基因突变进行概括介绍。 Malaria is a parasitic disease that is found worldwide.Malaria is highly lethal,so it has garnered a great deal of attention.About 2.85 billion people are at risk of vivax malaria,and the incidence of Plasmodium vivax has been increasing.Eliminating Plasmodium vivax will prove to be technically challenging due to the lack of tools to fight the disease and a scarcity of information on the disease.The increasing drug resistance of P.vivaxis particularly worrisome.A better understanding of the distribution and transmission dynamics of P.vivaxrequires new approaches,such as the development of new genetic markers to monitor malaria in order to reduce its spread.New molecular biology techniques have been used to study the distribution of P.vivaxthrough use of neutral mutations at multiple loci as molecular markers.Mutations conferring drug resistance have also been used as molecular markers to monitor the development and spread of malaria,high-throughput analysis has been used to study the drug resistance genes of P.vivax,and new techniques are being developed for the large-scale surveillance of drug-resistant P.vivax.This article summarizes the genetic diversity of P.vivaxand genetic mutations that are associated with its drug resistance.
出处 《中国病原生物学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期669-671,共3页 Journal of Pathogen Biology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.31260508,U1202226)
关键词 疟原虫 间日 抗药性 基因突变 Plasmodium vivax drug resistance genetic mutation
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