

Status of research on the gynecophoral canal protein of schistosomes
摘要 血吸虫病是一种严重危害人类健康的人兽共患病,在世界范围内广泛分布。采用疫苗防治该病是当前研究的热点领域。血吸虫是一种罕见的雌雄异体生物,性别特异性基因为我们寻找新的候选疫苗分子提供线索。抱雌沟蛋白是由性别特异性基因编码的,由雄虫分泌并于合抱时传递给雌虫。本文拟就抱雌沟蛋白的特性、蛋白疫苗、DNA疫苗和表位疫苗等方面研究现状进行综述。 Schistosomiasis is a zoonotic parasitic disease that seriously threatens human health,and schistosomes are widely distributed around the world.Over the past few years,research has focused on using vaccines to prevent and control the disease.A unique trait of schistosomes is their sexual dimorphism.A large number of gender-specific genes have been found in the Schistosoma genome that can provide clues to antigens that can be developed into new vaccines.The gynecophoral canal protein(GCP)is coded for by agender-specific gene,and GCP is secreted by the male and passed to the female during the pairing process.This paper summarizes advances in the study of the characteristics of GCP and protein vaccines,DNA vaccines,and epitope vaccines against schistosomiasis.
出处 《中国病原生物学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期672-672,I0001,I0002,共3页 Journal of Pathogen Biology
基金 重庆市科委地方病重大专项基金项目(No.2008AB5055 2008AB5008 2008AB5054)
关键词 血吸虫 抱雌沟蛋白 疫苗 综述 Schistosome gynecophoral canal protein vaccine review
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