FPGA因其具有高度的灵活性与强大的数据处理能力而被广泛应用于数据采集与处理系统中。USB2.0因其数据传输速率快和接口的多样化而广泛使用。以USB2.0控制器CY7C68013A为接口设计和实现了上位机与FPGA中FIFO与寄存器之间的读写。经测试表明,该设计达到了47 MB/s的数据传输速率,接近USB2.0控制芯片的最高速率48 MB/s。
FPGA is widely applied in the data collecting systems and data processing systems due to its high flexibility and strong ability of pro- cessing data. USB2.0 is widely used because of its high rate of data transmission and diverse interfaces. This paper designs and implements data transmission between the PC and the FIFO and registers in the FPGA which is based on the peripheral chips CY7C68013A of USB2.0. And the test shows that the data transmission rate can be up to 47 MB/s, which is very close to 48 MB/s, the highest rate of the controlling chip of USB2. 0.
Microcomputer & Its Applications