
大银行的“小企业战略”不是权宜之计 被引量:2

Small Business Strategy: Not a Matter of Expediency for Large Banks
摘要 在现代经济社会,不同规模的企业之间(包括银行与企业之间)"门当户对"逻辑并不成立,小企业甚至成为大企业、大银行生存的基础。美国、德国等发达国家拥有众多全球知名的大企业,但仍然十分重视小企业的发展。深入分析大银行与小企业关系,西方国家普遍顺势顺应而为,而我国普遍存在背离现象,其主要原因在于金融结构的差异、银行技术的差距、政府增信的不足、信用文化的缺失、企业信用积累意识有待建立。对于我国大型银行实施"小企业战略",可以有四大期待:期待大型银行尽快确立的"小企业战略",期待银企之间的诚信(守信与授信)互动,期待政府、行业协会助信(增信)的举措,期待银行与大数据、征信部门携手做好技术攻关。同时,大型银行还必须加强自身经营技术创新:积极探索新的风险评估技术,应用大数据技术发展小企业业务,依托供应链金融服务小企业,积极探索平台增信服务小企业融资模式。 In modern economic society, the logic of "couples coming from families of equal status" for enterprises of different scales (including banks-enterprises) does not tally with the actual situation; small businesses even become the basis for large enterprises or large banks to survive. There are a large number of well-known global enterprises in the US, Germany and other developed countries, but great importance is attached to the development of small businesses. An in-depth analysis is made on the relationship between large banks and small businesses, finding that the "taking advantage of adaptation" philosophy is generally accepted in western countries while in China deviation phenomenon wide spreads; the main cause lies in the difierences in financial structure, banking technology gap, insufficient government-credit-enhancement, lack of credit culture, and lack of enterprise credit accumulation awareness, etc. There are four expectations in terms of " small business strategy" for China' s large banks: expecting large banks to establish the "small business strategy" as soon as possible, expecting integrity interaction between banks and enterprises (honesty and credit-granting) , expecting initiative measures for credit enhancement from the government and industry associations, and expecting key technical problems to be solved by banks, big data companies and credit reporting departments on conjunction basis. At the same time, it' s necessary for large banks to strengthen their own management and technical innovation: actively explore new risk assessment technology, apply big data technology to develop businesses of small enterprises, serve small businesses by relying on the supply chain finance, and actively explore the platform financing model by serving small business credit enhancement.
作者 黄志凌
机构地区 中国建设银行
出处 《征信》 2016年第8期9-14,共6页 Credit Reference
关键词 大银行 小企业 “小企业战略” 协调发展 技术创新 large bank small business small business strategy coordinated development technological innovation
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