A new type of iron oxide/amidoxime fiber FeOx/AOCF Fenton catalyst was prepared,with the AOCF as ligand,the coordination reaction with FeC13 solution,in NaOH solution in situ precipitation, by thermal decomposition.With reactive red removal rate as the evaluation index, the optimal preparation conditions of the catalyst was obtained..0.07 mol/L FeC13 solution,at room temperature with reaction 1 h;precipitant concentration of NaOH solution 0.1 mol/L, 50 ℃ for constant temperature water bath reaction 4 h;thermal decomposition temperature of 150 ℃,time 10 h. The surface morphology and surface composition of FeO./AOCF were characterizated by SEM,EDS and XRD.The results showed that the sheet material on the surface of AOCF is mainly the ferric oxide.The photocatalytic results showed that under visible light Reactive Red, reactive yellow and methyl orange solution can be almost completely degraded at room temperature.And catalytic degradation reaction follows first-order reaction kinetics.
Journal of Anhui Polytechnic University