目的分析2004—2014年广西壮族自治区靖西县麻疹流行病学特征,为制定麻疹防治措施提供科学依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法,对靖西县2004—2014年麻疹报告病例进行分析。结果 2004—2014年靖西县共报告麻疹病例160例,年均发病率为2.35/10万,2005年发病率高达14.62/10万,2009—2012年无麻疹报告病例;以冬季为主,占病例总数的54.38%;发病率居前三位的地区依次为龙邦镇(6.55/10万)、魁圩乡(5.37/10万)、新靖镇(5.06/10万);最小年龄为3月龄,最大年龄36岁;15岁以下儿童占病例总数的94.38%;男女性别比为1.58∶1;人群以散居儿童为主,占病例总数的51.25%;无免疫史者占病例总数的73.12%。结论靖西县2004—2014年麻疹病例以15岁以下散居儿童为主,应进一步加强麻疹疫苗的基础免疫及强化免疫接种工作,消除免疫空白人群,提高疫苗接种率,加强麻疹疫情监测。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of measles from 2004 to 2014 in Jingxi County,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,to provide a scientific evidence in prevention and control of measles. Methods A descriptive epidemiological method was used to analyze the reported cases of measles from 2004 to 2014 in Jingxi county. Results A total of 160 measles cases were reported,with an average annual incidence 2. 35 /105,the incidence was as high as 14. 62/105 in 2005,and there was no reported measles case in 2009—2012. The most cases occurred in winter,accounting for 54. 38%in total cases. The incidence for top three regions was Longbang Town( 6. 55 /105),Kuiwei Village( 5. 37/105),Xinjing Town( 5. 06 /105). The age of cases was in 3 months to 36 years of age,cases under 15 years accounted for 94. 38% in the total cases,male and female ratio was 1. 58 ∶ 1,scattered children were major targets,accounting for 51. 25% in total cases;cases no immunization history accounted for 73. 12% in total cases. Conclusion The measles cases concenttrated in scattered children under 15 years age from 2004 to 2014 in Jingxi County. The basic and supplementary measles vaccination should be strengthened,to eliminate lacking of immunity in population and improve measles surveillance.
Progress In Microbiology and Immunology