
基于AFM的沥青微观结构研究进展 被引量:17

the Progress of Asphalt Microcosmic Structure Research Based on AFM
摘要 沥青是一种组成与结构极其复杂的混合物。原子力学显微镜(AFM)可以从纳米尺度观测沥青的微观结构与力学特性,成为研究沥青微观组成结构及解释宏观物理化学性能的有力工具。该研究简要介绍了AFM的技术原理及测试方法,总结了AFM在沥青微观结构研究中取得的成果,重点分析了沥青微观相态结构,尤其是"蜂状结构"相的形成机理与化学组成,并探讨了老化、水损坏等对沥青微观结构的影响。目前AFM主要应用于沥青微观结构分析,未来可尝试采用AFM研究沥青微观力学特性。 Asphalt is a mixture with extremely complex composition and structures. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) can be used to observe the microcosmic structure and mechanical properties of asphalt at nano - scale. AFM is a powerful tool on studying the microcosmic structure and composition, explaining the physical and chemical properties of asphalt. This paper briefly introduces the technical principle and test methods of AFM, summarizes the results obtained in the research of asphalt microcosmic structure by AFM, then analyzes the microscopic phase structure of the asphalt , especially the mechanism and chemical composition of " hon- eycomb structure", finally discusses the influence of aging and water damage on asphalt microcosmic struc- ture. At present, AFM is mainly used in the microcosmic structure analysis of asphalt, and it can be used to study the asphalt microcosmic mechanical properties in the future.
出处 《石油沥青》 2016年第4期18-24,共7页 Petroleum Asphalt
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51378393)
关键词 沥青 原子力显微镜 微观结构 力学特性 asphalt AFM microcosmic structure mechanical properties
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