

Philippines gold mine resources investigation and Selection Research Report
摘要 本文简要论述了菲律宾成矿地质背景、金矿床类型及成矿带分布,根据成矿条件及选区依据,优选出成矿潜力较大的区域以供下一步的勘查开发,为我国紧缺的金及有色金属等矿产资源寻求勘查开发基地,为境外找矿发展战略提供决策依据,为我国经济的发展提供资源保障。 This paper briefly discusses the ore-forming geological background, the types of gold deposits and the metallogenic belt distribution in the Philippines, then on the bases of minerogenetic condition and the selection basis elects a area with more metallogenic potential for further exploration and development,and provides exploration and development base for our country which lack of gold and nonferrous metal mineral resources,and also provide decision basis for overseas prospecting development strategy, providing guarantee resources for the economic development of China.
出处 《世界有色金属》 2016年第7期196-197,共2页 World Nonferrous Metals
关键词 菲律宾 金矿 成矿规律 选区 Philippines gold mine regularity of ore formation electoral district
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  • 2王秀全.菲律宾资源调查与勘查地选区研究设计[D].2010.
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