
我国磷矿资源综合评价与政策建议 被引量:9

Comprehensive Evaluation and Policy Recommendation on Mining Resource of Phosphorus in China
摘要 我国磷矿资源丰富,但已查明资源中低品位居多;储量级别偏低;工业矿床集中在云、贵、川、鄂、湘五省份。近五年,国家不断加大后备资源勘查投入。2013年,查明保有资源储量(矿石量)205.71亿t,查明伴生磷保有资源储量(矿石量)1646.54万t。我国磷矿石生产97.8%以上集中在川、贵、湘、滇四省,而磷肥及磷化工主要分布在中东部地区,形成磷矿工业"南磷北运""西磷东调"格局。由于长距离的运输给磷肥企业生产加大了成本,给磷肥、磷化工发展带来较大的不利影响。建议依托原料生产基地,建造我国大型磷化工基地;提高采选冶技术水平,充分利用中低品位资源;加大磷资源综合利用,提高资源利用水平;加大矿山地质环境保护力度,促进磷矿资源的可持续利用。 Although mineral resource of phosphorus is abundant in China, there’re still several problems: the majority of mineral resource ofphosphorus that have be found is low grade; The reserves amount is low generally; Industrial mining bed is mainly located in five provincesof Yunan, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei and Sichuan. In the last five years, the government has put great efforts on reserve resource survey. In2013, there’re 20.571 billion tons of mineral resource of phosphorus in China, and also 16.4654 million tons of associated mineral resourceof phosphorus. 97.8 percent of mineral resource of phosphorus in China is located in four provinces of Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan and Yunan,while the fertile and chemical industry of phosphorus is located in middle and east area of China, and it developed the mismatch pattern of“Transferring mineral resource of phosphorus from South to North” ,“Transferring mineral resource of phosphorus from west to east”. Thelong distance of transferring has increased lots of cost on companies that produce phosphate fertilizer, and it’s not good for the development ofchemical fertilizer industry of phosphorus. In this paper, we promote some suggestion as follow: Building large-scale chemical industry basesof phosphorus near the mining bases; Improving the skill of extracting and smelting to make the best use of middle and low grade of resource;Improving the level of comprehensive use of mineral resource of phosphorus; Enhancing the protection level of geological environment inmining area, and promoting the sustainable development of phosphorus.
作者 田侠
出处 《中国国土资源经济》 2016年第8期29-31,共3页 Natural Resource Economics of China
关键词 磷矿资源 综合分析 地质勘查 开发利用 政策建议 mineral resource of phosphorus comprehensive analysis geological exploration exploitation and utilization policyrecommendation
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