

A Data-driven Contrastive Study on the Semantic Prosody of Near-Synonyms-SUPPLY and PROVIDE
摘要 语义韵研究是近年来一种新的语言现象的研究,同时成为语料库语言学词汇搭配研究中的术语。本文根据语义韵的分类,借助于BNC部分笔语语料库,利用BFSU Collocator 1.0,观察出近义词SUPPLY和PROVIDE在语料库中显著搭配词所形成的语义氛围,进而分析被研究词的语义韵特点。结果显示,两词在语义韵方面有显著差别:SUPPLY具有中性语义韵,而PROVIDE则具有褒义语义韵。此研究结果从它们各自所具有的语义韵的特点方面区别这两个近义词,以期对大学英语词汇教学起到一定的启示作用。 In recent years,the study of semantic prosody has become a new study of linguistic phenomenon and also become the terminology of corpus linguistics. According to the classification of semantic prosody,by using part of BNC and software-BFSU Collocator 1. 0,this paper aims to observe the semantic atmosphere of the significant collocates of these two near-synonyms that form in corpus-BNC,and then analyzes the features of semantic prosody of them. The results show that there exist great differences in the semantic prosody of these two words: "supply"carries neutral semantic prosody,but "provide"carries positive semantic prosody.The results of this research are to differentiate these two synonyms from their respective features of semantic prosody to make implication to English lexical teaching in college.
作者 王江渭
出处 《东莞理工学院学报》 2016年第4期77-80,共4页 Journal of Dongguan University of Technology
关键词 语义韵 语义氛围 中性 褒义t semantic prosody semantic atmosphere neutral positive
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