

Crohn's disease complicated with abdominal tumors: one case report
摘要 克罗恩病(Crohn’s disease,CD)并发腹腔肿瘤的临床报道不多,本文介绍1例患者的病例资料并进行文献复习。当CD患者症状诱导缓解后再次出现症状加重,除考虑原有治疗失效外,应考虑是否合并腹腔肿瘤。 The clinical features of Crohn's disease( CD) complicated with abdominal tumors have been seldom reported. The clinical data of one case was introduced and the relevant literatures were reviewed. If the abdominal symptoms of CD patients are worse again after remission induction with Infliximab treatment,it should be taken into account of the possibility of abdominal tumors in addition to consider the original treatment failure.
出处 《胃肠病学和肝病学杂志》 CAS 2016年第8期929-932,共4页 Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
关键词 克罗恩病 腹腔肿瘤 Crohn's disease Abdominal tumor
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