
基于RTS噪声测量与参量的提取 被引量:1

Based on the RTS Noise Measurement and Parameter Extraction
摘要 RTS噪声是探测小尺寸器件缺陷的有效手段,是表征纳米MOSFET器件可靠性的重要敏感参数,为了能够准确测量RTS噪声并提取特征参量,设计了具有二级抑噪的低噪声偏置电路,采用双通道互谱测量法对RTS噪声进行测量.利用EMD处理非平稳噪声信号后对参量进行提取。实验结果表明,相同采样点时,参量提取的误差比传统方法减小30%。相同精度时,采样点仅为传统方法采样数目的1/10。 RTS noise is an effective method for detecting small size device defects,it is important sensitive parameter characterization of nano-scale MOSFET device reliability.In order to accurately measure RTS noise and extract feature parameters, two order of noise suppression is designed to build low noise bias circuit, the double channel cross spect- rum method is adopted to measure RTS noise, after using the EMD algorithm processing non-stationary noise signal to extract parameters.Experiment show that the tolerance of the parameter extraction can decrease to 30% than traditi- onal methods in same sampling point, while sampling point is only 1/10 of traditional method of sampling number.
出处 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期103-105,共3页 Power Electronics
基金 国家自然科学基金(61271115)~~
关键词 噪声 互谱测量 特征参量 noise cross-spectral measurement feature parameters
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