目的探讨不同创伤患者血液生化指标的初步变化规律。方法将本院创伤住院患者318例分成轻、中、重度伤3个创伤组,再选择一组体检科健康体检者为对照组,比较各组间的血常规、肝功能及电解质的部分指标的变化情况。结果轻度伤组(A组)、中度伤组(B组)、重度伤组(C组)和对照组(D组)白细胞总数、中性粒细胞计数、淋巴细胞计数两两比较(B组和C组的中性粒细胞计数两者间的比较除外)均有统计学意义。A、B、C 3组分别与D组的谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶的比较有统计学意义。A、B两组分别与C组的谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶的比较有统计学意义。B、C、D 3组分别与A组的血清胆汁酸比较有统计学意义。A、B、D 3组分别与C组的血清钙、血清镁比较有统计学意义。A、D两组分别与B组的血清磷比较有统计学意义。结论血液生化指标可用于初步指导创伤的临床实践,尤其适合广大基层医院应用。
Objective To compare the change of blood biochemical indexes in different degree trauma patients. Methods 318 hospital trauma patients were divided into three groups:mild,moderate and severe traumatic injury. And a group of physical examination subjects was selected as the control group. The changes of blood routine,liver function and electrolyte were compared between each group. Results There were statistical significance between mild injury group(group A),moderate injury group(group B)and severe injury group(Group C)with control group(Group D) in Leukocytes, neutrophils,lymphocytes (Except compare between the B group and the C group in the neutrephils). There were statistical significance between group A,B,C with group D in alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase. There were statistical significance between group B, C, D with group A in total bile acids. There were statistical significance between group A, B, D with group C in serum calcium and serum magnesium. There were statistical significance between group A,D with group B in serum phosphorus. Conclusion Blood biochemical indexes can be used in guide of clinical practice of trauma,especially for the basic hospital.
Zhejiang Journal of Traumatic Surgery
Blood biochemical indexes