According to Julia Kristeva's theory of intertextuality, every text is the absorption and transformation of other texts. They refer to one another and are related to one another. The production of a text's meaning is related to other texts, intertextuality also exists in college English reading texts. The texts possibly involve other texts composed of other literary works, other culture and so on, which often makes it difficult for the students to properly understand the texts. Therefore, the students' intertextual reading of texts is very important to their interpretation of them. College English teachers need to introduce the theory of intertextuality to their students, cultivating their consciousness of intertextuality in texts. They should also consciously explain to their students the intertextuality in their texts and tell them how to do intertextual reading. These enable the students to consciously get rid of their traditional reading habit. They won't only focus on the meaning of the words in a text, and the grammatical structure and the discourse structure of a text. They will also focus on the intertextuality of a text and interpret texts by putting them in the macroscopic literary, historical and social contexts. In their interaction with other texts, they obtain the meanings that the linguistic symbols mean to convey and accurately and profoundly interpret the texts.
Teacher Education Forum
the theory of intertextuality
college English reading
consciousness of intertextuality
intertextual reading