
互文性理论指导下的大学英语阅读教学 被引量:4

The Teaching of College English Reading Under the Guidance of the Theory of Intertextuality
摘要 根据朱莉娅·克里斯蒂娃的互文性理论,每个文本都是对其他文本的吸收与转化,它们相互参照,彼此联系,一个文本意义的产生与其他文本存在着关系。互文性现象同样存在于大学英语阅读文本中,文本可能涉及由其他文学作品、其他文化等构成的他文本,这常常对学生正确理解文本造成困难,故学生的文本互文性阅读对文本的解读非常重要。大学英语教师需要将互文性理论介绍给学生,培养学生的文本互文性意识;还应当有意识地讲解课文中的互文性现象,指导学生对文本进行互文性阅读,使学生有意识地摆脱过去传统阅读习惯,不再只是关注文本中的词汇意思、语法结构、语篇结构方面的内容,还关注文本中的互文性现象,把文本置于更为宏观的文学、历史和社会环境中去阐释,在同其他文本互动中,获取语言符号试图要表达出来的意义,准确、深刻地解读文本。 According to Julia Kristeva's theory of intertextuality, every text is the absorption and transformation of other texts. They refer to one another and are related to one another. The production of a text's meaning is related to other texts, intertextuality also exists in college English reading texts. The texts possibly involve other texts composed of other literary works, other culture and so on, which often makes it difficult for the students to properly understand the texts. Therefore, the students' intertextual reading of texts is very important to their interpretation of them. College English teachers need to introduce the theory of intertextuality to their students, cultivating their consciousness of intertextuality in texts. They should also consciously explain to their students the intertextuality in their texts and tell them how to do intertextual reading. These enable the students to consciously get rid of their traditional reading habit. They won't only focus on the meaning of the words in a text, and the grammatical structure and the discourse structure of a text. They will also focus on the intertextuality of a text and interpret texts by putting them in the macroscopic literary, historical and social contexts. In their interaction with other texts, they obtain the meanings that the linguistic symbols mean to convey and accurately and profoundly interpret the texts.
作者 游巧荣
出处 《教师教育论坛》 2016年第7期67-70,96,共5页 Teacher Education Forum
关键词 互文性理论 大学英语阅读 互文性意识 互文性阅读 the theory of intertextuality college English reading consciousness of intertextuality intertextual reading
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