
27t及以下轴重混编列车纵向车钩力试验研究 被引量:2

Test Research on the Longitudinal Coupler Force of Mixed Train of 27t Axle-load and Below
摘要 为研究掌握既有线开行27t及以下轴重混编列车的技术性能,中国铁路总公司在山西中南部铁路通道组织了"既有线开行27t及以下轴重混编列车综合试验"。通过分析试验列车在紧急制动、常用全制动以及长大下坡道调速制动工况下的纵向车钩力及其变化规律,研究混编列车的车钩力特性,为既有线开行27t轴重混编列车提供技术支持。分析认为:在各种装载和编组条件下,试验中混编列车最大拉钩力913kN,最大压钩力1194kN,超过1 000kN的车钩力只出现过一次。由于参试的27t轴重货车制动率明显小于既有通用货车,使得混编列车紧急制动时可能出现较大的拉钩力。 In order to research the performance of mixed train for 27t axle load and below, China Railway organized the test, which test- ed the mixed train for 27t axle load and below on Railway Passage at Central South of Shanxi Province. This paper analyzes the results of the longitudinal coupler force, when the mixed train operates emergency braking, common full braking, cycle braking on the l,ong Heavy Down Grade, and provide technical support with operation of the mixed train for 27t axle load on the existing lines. The results show that the maximum coupler-pulling force is 913kN, the maximum coupler-pressing force is 1194kN, and the force more than 1000kN has appeared only once of different marshalling and different loading. As a result of the difference of the braking ratio which significantly smaller than the existing general wagon, affect by the marshalling, it is liked to appear heavy coupler-pulling force when the mixed train operate emergency braking.
出处 《铁道机车车辆》 2016年第4期12-16,共5页 Railway Locomotive & Car
基金 中国铁路总公司2014年重大科技研究项目(2014J002-A)
关键词 27t轴重 混编列车 制动 纵向力 27 t Axle-load mixed train braking longitudinal force
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