
基于Drupal的政府开放数据平台构建 被引量:13

The Construction of Government Open Data Platform Based on Drupal
摘要 开放政府数据能够促进政府透明和社会创新,已成为国内外研究和实践的热点。本文针对我国地方政府开放数据门户网站在元数据规范和数据格式上的不足,设计并建立基于Drupal的政府开放数据平台。在分析平台核心功能的基础上,引进W3C的通用元数据标准DCAT。重点说明平台建立元数据模式的映射过程,并介绍如何为关联数据集提供Sparql端点。以来自浙江省开放数据网站的一个具体数据集的发布为例,表明该平台支持机器可读的通用元数据格式,为我国各类开放数据网站的建设和升级提供借鉴和参考。 As a hot topic,Open Government Data provides a new way for promoting the construction of the transparent government and innovations between different social organizations. This paper designed and established a platform based on Drupal in order to resolve the problem about datasets metadata and data formats existing in open data portals of local government in China. Metadata providing can permit interoperability between different systems and the use of machine- readable,non- proprietary electronic data formats can reduce technical barriers to data access for users. Based on the basic analysis of the core functions of the platform,this paper introduced a common metadata standard DCAT,which was announced by W3 C. Then the clear description was given to explain how to process mappings between DCAT vocabularies and fields of Drupal,which aimed to provide metadata for datasets. Publishing linked data is always difficult for the study of open data. There fore,the paper presented a simple solution on how to provide a Sparql endpoint for publishing data formats of linked datasets using Drupal. Finally,taking a dataset from Zhejiang government's Open data platform as an example to show the whole process about how this platform publishes datasets and provided machine- readable metadata formats.And this paper also made a detailed introduction about the important Drupal modules used in this platform,including RDFx module,Sparql endpoint module,DKAN related modules,which is a complimentary offering to CKAN with a full suite of cataloging,publishing and visualization features,and so on. This paper provided references for the construction and upgrading of all types of open data platform in our country.
出处 《现代情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期37-43,共7页 Journal of Modern Information
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"化学危险品安全运输不确定信息的知识表示与提取方法研究"(项目编号:71271034) 国家自然科学基金项目"邮储系统火灾事故应急过程本质安全的风险源分析方法研究"(项目编号:51404052)
关键词 DRUPAL 政府开放数据 开放数据平台 元数据 DCAT 关联数据 Drupal government open data open data platform metadata DCAT linked data
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