从深度利用数据资源和助力科研的角度,对比分析Web of Science和Google Scholar在化学领域中的性能差异。通过对比分析,从检索性能、分析性能、覆盖能力、引文跟踪、定题跟踪等方面进行比较和案例分析。发现Web of Science在化学领域具有权威性、稳定性、功能性等优势,其专业性能尚未充分利用。指出图书馆深入挖掘数据资源实用价值,提出从检索到发现的服务思路,推动技能服务和分析服务的双向服务模式。
From the perspective of depth using the data resources and power of scientific research,analysis of the Web of Science and Google Scholar performance in the field of chemistry. Taking comparison and case analysis,from the retrieval performance,this paper analyzed performance,coverage,citation tracking,topic tracking,etc. Web of Science has the authority,stability,functional advantages,but its performance had yet to make full use of. Library needed to dig deeper into the data resources and practical value,this paper proposed the search to discovery service idea,and promoted two- way service mode on skills and analysis.
Journal of Modern Information