
国外残障儿童受虐问题及其福利政策研究 被引量:2

Research of the Child Abuse and Welfare Policy in Foreign Countries
摘要 残障儿童受虐待和忽视的情况比一般儿童受虐待的现象更突出,但目前我国尚未形成健全的残障儿童保护政策和福利政策。在现阶段供给策的改革下,残障儿童的福利政策研究理应得到相应的重视,提高到与社会发展同步发展的新阶段。本文通过梳理国外残障儿童福利体系研究,学习借鉴国外残障儿童福利政策和相关社会工作实践,结合我国实际,提出建立建全我国残障儿童福利政策:充分发挥社会力量参与,将儿童福利政策的设计与家庭支持、专业的社会工作介入、医疗康复、教育等有效结合起来,走向积极的儿童福利。 Children with disabilities are abused or neglected more serious than other normal children. However, the current paper highlights the few studies of children with disabilities in the child welfare system who experience maltreatment in China,children with disabilities do not form a special protection policy and welfare policy.With the reform of the supplement, Welfare Policy and Research of children with disabilities deserve academic attention.By reading a lot of foreign literature, we can learn the operation and implementation of the foreigner Children Welfare and Social Services of disabled children. I think we should take full advantages of foreign policies and related social work services,which combine with Chinese reality in order to establish the welfare policy of child with a disability.We should encourage social forces to participate in the child welfare policy design and give family enough support.Besides,professional social work,medical rehabilitation and good education are important to improve the child welfare system.
作者 邵亚萍
出处 《未来与发展》 2016年第8期51-55,共5页 Future and Development
基金 国家社科基金重点项目"现阶段我国转变经济发展方式的社会政策研究"(11ASH009)的研究成果之一
关键词 残障儿童 儿童虐待与忽视 残障儿童福利政策 disabilities children, child maltreatment, disabled children welfare.
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