背景:目前对脊柱黄韧带骨化症发病机制的研究尚处于初级阶段,任何单一的因素都无法充分地解释黄韧带骨化症的发生,很多现象无法得到满意的解释。目的:综述脊柱黄韧带骨化的发病机制。方法:以"黄韧带骨化,基础研究,发病机制,基因,骨形态发生蛋白,骨桥蛋白"为中文捡索词,以"Ossification of the ligamentumflavum,basic research,pathogenesis,gene,Bone morphogenetic protein,osteopontin"为英文检索词,在重庆维普网、CNKI(中国知网)期刊全文数据库和PubM ed数据库检索1990年1月至2015年12月有关于黄韧带骨化发病机制的文献。去除重复性和陈旧性的研究,最终将63篇文献纳入研究进行综述。结果与结论:目前的研究表明黄韧带骨化症是一种基于多基因与环境等其他因素相关的复杂疾病。脊柱黄韧带骨化症是引起椎管狭窄导致脊髓受压主要原因之一,解剖结构、局部生物力学、分子与遗传、内分泌、微量元素及血管炎症等因素均与脊柱黄韧带骨化症的发生有关。
BACKGROUND: Current studies on the pathogenesis of ossification of the ligamentum flavum are still in a preliminary stage, and any single factor influencing incidence of ossification of ligamentum flavum cannot completely explain the pathogenesis of this disease. OBJECTIVE: To summarize the pathogenesis of ossification of ligamentum flavum. METHODS: A computer-based online search was conducted in PubMed, Wanfang, and CNKI databases from January 1990 to December 2015 to screen the relevant literatures regarding the pathogenesis of ossification of the ligamentum flavum using Chinese and English key words "ossification of ligamentum flavum, basic research, pathogenesis, gene, bone morphogenetic protein, osteopontin". Consequently, 63 eligible literatures were included after the exclusion of the repetitive and old ones. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Current studies have shown that ossification of the ligamentum flavum is a disease that results from multiple genetic and environmental causes and is one of the main causes of spinal stenosis. Tissue degeneration, local biomechanics, genetic factors, metabolic disorders, trace elements and vascular inflammation are all shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of ossification of ligamentum flavum.
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research