
组织工程血管支架材料的研究与进展 被引量:7

Tissue-engineered vascular scaffold materials
摘要 背景:随着研究的深入,组织工程血管支架材料已由单纯的天然材料发展为可降解复合材料和纳米聚合物材料,其制备方法也由单纯手工发展到新兴的快速成型技术。目的:阐明不同组织工程血管支架材料的优缺点、用途及研究热点等,寻求一种能够符合临床需求的组织工程血管支架材料。方法:由第一作者检索1985至2015年PubM ed数据库、中国知网、维普中文期刊网等收录的与组织工程血管支架材料相关的文献。英文检索词为"tissue engineering,tissue engineered,blood vessel,vascular,scaffold",中文检索词为"组织工程;血管;支架材料;血管支架",按纳入、排除标准最后共纳入文献36篇进行综述。结果与结论:不可降解材料主要用于构建大口径组织工程血管;天然生物材料具有良好的生物相容性,能够提供细胞所需的信号,可促进细胞附着及保留分化功能;可降解高分子合成材料具有较好的组织相容性,机械性能、降解率和微结构可控,能根据设计要求进行批量生产;复合物材料结合了天然生物材料和合成高分子材料的优势,成为目前最理想的支架材料,也是未来研究的重点。 BACKGROUND:Tissue-engineered vascular scaffold materials havebeendeveloped from pure natural materials to degradable composite materials and nano polymer materials, andthepreparation method has alsobeendeveloped from the manual technology to the rapid proto-typing technology. OBJECTIVE:To clarify the advantages and disadvantages, application and research hotspots of different tissue-engineered vascular scaffold materials, and to find a suitable scaffold material for clinical treatment. METHODS:The first author retrieved databases of PubMed,CNKI and CqVip for relevant articles about tissue-engineered vascularscaffolds published from 1985 to 2015. The key words were “tissue engineering, tissue engineered, blood vessel, vascular, scaffold” in English and Chinese, respectively.In accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 36 articles were reviewed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Non-degradable materials are mainly used to construct largediameter tissue-engineered blood vessels.Natural biomaterials have good biocompatibility, which can provide necessarysignals forcelsand promote cel attachment and retainceldifferentiation ability.Degradable polymer composite materials have good biocompatibility, whose mechanical properties, degradation rate and microstructure can be controled, and they can be mass-produced according to the design requirements.Thecomposite materials inheriting the advantages of natural biomaterials and synthetic polymer materials have become the most ideal scaffold materials and wil be a research focus in the future.
出处 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第34期5149-5154,共6页 Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research
基金 云南省科技厅-昆明医科大学联合专项基金资助项目(2013FB187 2013FB189) 云南省卫生科技计划项目(2014NS208 2014NS209)~~
关键词 生物材料 材料相容性 组织工程 血管 支架材料 血管移植 Stents Blood Vessels Tissue Engineering
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