
某三甲医院中医科门诊处方类型及开药量分析 被引量:1

Analysis on Type and Dosage of Outpatient Prescriptions from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine in a Third-grade Class-A Hospital
摘要 目的:了解某三甲医院中医科门诊处方类型及开药量现状,为促进合理用药提供依据。方法:通过医院信息系统调取2015年7~9月中医科门诊处方信息,以开药量为主要评估指标,对饮片类和非饮片类处方用药进行分类整理与分析。结果:收集饮片类药品条目203 831条(占总药品条目比例77.0%),其中开药量不超过4周量的条目数占95.1%;非饮片类药品条目61 037条(占总药品条目比例23.0%),其中不超过4周量的条目数占98.4%。饮片和非饮片类药品中开药量大于4周量的条目不足5%,主要为外埠慢性疾病患者,其中部分西药开药量较大值得关注。结论:该院中医科门诊开药总体规范,但部分药品的临床使用仍存在安全隐患。 Objective: To investigate the type and dosage of outpatient prescriptions from the department of traditional Chinese medicine( TCM) in a third-grade class-A hospital to provide evidence for the promotion of rational drug use. Methods: The information on the outpatient prescriptions from the department of TCM from July to September in 2015 was obtained from hospital information system( HIS). Using dosage as the main evaluation index,Chinese herbal medicines and medicines of other types were classified and analyzed separately. Results: There were 203 831 items of Chinese herbal medicines in the total drug items( 77. 0%),and among them,95. 1% was with the dosage less than 4-week amount. There were 61 037 items of the other types in the total drug items( 23. 0%),and among them,98. 4% was with the dosage less than 4-week amount. However,there was still less than 5% with the dosage above 4-week amount,which were mainly for nonlocal patients with chronic diseases. Besides,the dosage of some western medicines should be paid more attention. Conclusion: The dosage of outpatient prescriptions from department of TCM in the hospital is generally normative,while potential safety risks still exist in the clinic use of some drugs.
出处 《中国药师》 CAS 2016年第8期1539-1543,共5页 China Pharmacist
基金 国家临床重点专科建设项目(编号:2013-544)
关键词 中医科 门诊处方 处方类型 开药量 处方点评 Department of traditional Chinese medicine Outpatient prescription Prescription types Dosage Prescription review
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