针对波束形成原理声源定位系统,介绍其功能、工作原理及校准研究现状,同时结合国内外各生产厂商对空间分辨力的经验公式及影响因素,提出横向空间分辨力的定义并将其确定为关键校准参数之一。在校准方法研究中,阐述选择非相干纯音差频信号作为测试信号的原因及频差选取的原则,计算出不同差频对横向空间分辨力相对误差的影响;研究确定声源定位成像图形上显示动态范围为3 d B。此外构建计量校准装置,包括标准声源系统(双声源)、信号发生系统、信号采集分析系统、传动及控制系统等。最后提出横向空间分辨力校准方法,并进行实验研究及测量不确定度评定分析。研究结果为国内外声源定位系统横向空间分辨力的校准提供技术和方法基础。
The passage introduces the function, principle and research in calibrating sound source localization system using beamforming method. Combined with the spatial resolution experienced formulas and influencing factors provided by domestic and foreign manufacturers, we put forward the definition of transverse space resolution and make it as one of the key calibration parameters. In the study of calibration procedure, we explain the reason for choosing incoherent pure tone signal which is in difference frequency as the test signal and principles in frequency gap selection, calculated the influence of different frequency gap in the relative error of transverse spatial resolution; the dynamic range of 3 dB is confirmed on imaging graphic of sound source localization system. In addition, the calibration device is presented, which includes standard source system (double sound source), signal generation system, signal collection and analysis system, drive and control system, etc. And then, the transverse space resolution calibration method is put forward, relevant experiment and the analysis of uncertainty evaluation follows. This research results offers a good technical basis and method for domestic and foreign to the calibration of transverse space resolution to sound localization system.
China Measurement & Test