
设计驱动的产品创新对顾客感知和购买意向影响实证研究 被引量:13

An Empirical Study on the Effect of Design-driven Product Innovation to the Customer Perception and Purchase Intention
摘要 在本土企业寻求转型升级和创新路径遇到"瓶颈"的背景下,针对当前全球范围内设计的兴起,本文通过设计驱动产品转型升级视角,构建"行为—感知—购买意向"的研究框架,并基于173份问卷调查数据,分析设计驱动型产品创新对顾客感知和购买意向影响内在机理和作用路径.研究结果表明,产品功能设计和产品语义设计分别影响顾客的产品感知和品牌感知,产品交互设计则对产品感知和品牌感知同时起作用.该研究发现为企业基于产品和用户的设计创新路径探索及转型升级提供了理论参考和实践贡献. Under the background that local enterprises seek transformation and innovation path meet "bottleneck" , and in veiw of the global design rising, it constructed a framework of "behavioral- perception-purchase intention" from the perspective of product transformation and upgrading. Based on the data of 173 questionnaires, it analyzed the impact of design-driven product innovation on customer perception and pruchase intention. The results show that product function design and product semantics design respectively influence customers' product perception and brand perception, while product interaction design affects product perception and brand perception at the same time. It provides theoretical reference and practical contribution for the companies' transformation and upgrading of design innovation based on products and customers.
出处 《研究与发展管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期22-30,共9页 R&D Management
基金 中国博士后科学基金第八批特别资助项目"设计制造互联网"三业"融合创新与转型升级机制与政策" 中国博士后科学基金项目(2014M551296) 2015年上海市人民政府发展研究中心年度研究课题(2015-GR-30)
关键词 创新 设计 设计驱动创新 交互设计 innovation design design-driven innovation interaction design
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