
孤独症儿童友谊研究述评 被引量:4

A Review of Research into the Friendship of Children with Autism
摘要 友谊是孤独症儿童社会交往干预与研究的重要领域,近年来涌现出丰富的研究成果。本文通过回顾与孤独症儿童友谊相关的实证研究成果,梳理总结关于孤独症儿童对友谊的理解与描述、友谊的特征、友谊的质量、友谊互惠、相关训练五个方面的内容,为我国研究者及教育工作者提供借鉴和参考。 Friendship, an important area in interventions and research involving the social interactions of children with autism, has witnessed fruitful research outcomes in recent years. This study, based on a review of empirical researches related to friendship of children with autism, summarizes autistic children' s undemtanding and description of friendship, the characteristics, quality, and reciprocity of their friendship, as well as relevant interventions, so as to provide a reference for China's rescarchem and educators.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期37-43,共7页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 2012年教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目"学前孤独症儿童社会交往技能的研究" 2014年教育部委托课题"特教学校中的孤独症儿童教学模式研究"(项目批准号:319000010)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 孤独症儿童 友谊 children with autism friendship
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