目的观察右美托咪定对体外循环(CPB)下老年患者心肌缺血再灌注损伤的影响。方法 60例择期体外循环下脉瓣膜置换术的老年患者随机分为试验组30例和对照组30例。气管插管后,对照组恒速输注等量0.9%Na Cl,试验组恒速输注右美托咪定0.5μg·kg^(-1)·h^(-1)。分别于麻醉诱导前(T_0),主动脉开放后15 min(T_1),停机即刻(T_2),停机后8 h(T_3),术后24 h(T_4)采集颈内静脉血样,测定血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、一氧化氮(NO)、丙二醛(MDA)、心肌肌钙蛋白I(c T_n-I)、肌酸激酶同工酶(CK-MB)及肿瘤坏死因子-α(T_NF-α)的变化,并记录术后恶心、寒战及谵妄的发生情况。结果试验组T_2~T_4的血清MDA分别为(19.67±2.05),(25.11±2.82),(21.48±2.02)μmol·L^(-1),对照组T_2~T_4的血清MDA分别为(27.56±2.24),(34.44±2.03),(28.19±2.38)μmol·L^(-1)。试验组T_2~T_4的c T_n-I分别为(3.82±0.38),(3.12±0.30),(2.28±0.31)μg·L^(-1);对照组T_2~T_4的c T_n-I分别为(5.24±0.43),(4.01±0.32),(3.45±0.29)μg·L^(-1)。试验组T_2~T_4的CK-MB分别为(29.98±4.01),(22.73±2.66),(17.64±2.81)U·L^(-1),对照组T_2~T_4的CK-MB分别为(41.07±5.68),(31.44±2.82),(24.55±3.78)U·L^(-1)。试验组T_2~T_4的T_NF-α分别为(121.61±16.52),(209.63±32.11),(111.98±15.32)pg·m L^(-1);对照组T_2~T_4的T_NF-α分别为(154.92±18.34),(261.89±35.49),(137.09±19.66)pg·m L^(-1)。试验组T_2~T_4的SOD分别为(73.29±6.81),(71.52±6.18),(79.77±6.23)U·m L^(-1),对照组T_2~T_4的SOD分别为(56.98±6.47),(52.45±6.09),(64.58±6.39)U·m L^(-1)。试验组T_2~T_4的NO分别为(24.81±3.99),(27.21±4.07),(40.62±4.72)μmol·L^(-1);对照组T_2~T_4的NO分别为(17.25±3.25),(19.74±3.08),(28.69±3.47)μmol·L^(-1)。试验组T_2~T_4时刻,患者血清MDA、c T_n-I、CK-MB、T_NF-α、SOD及NO含量与对照组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2组恶心、谵妄的发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。试验组术后寒战的发生率为6.67%(2/30例),对照组为26.67%(8/30例),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论麻醉期间静脉滴注右美托咪定0.5μg·kg^(-1)·h-1可以减轻老年患者体外循环下心肌缺血再灌注损伤。
Objective To observe the clinical effect of dexmedetomidine on myocardial ischemia - reperfusion injury of senior patients with valve replacement during cardiopulmonary bypass. Methods Sixty patients were randomly divided into control group and treatment group, thirty patients in each group. Dexmedetomidine 0. 5 μg · kg^-1 · h^-1 was intravenously injected by infusing pump after tracheal intubation in treatment group ,while patients in control group were administered with an equal volume of 0. 9% NaCl. Blood samples were collected from jugular vein before induction of anesthesia (T0 ), at 15 rain after aortic declamping ( T1 ), end of cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB, T2 ), 8 h after CPB ( T3 ), 24 h after operation (T4 ). The levels of serum superoxide (SOl)), nitric oxide (NO), malondialdehyde (MDA), cardiac troponin I (eTn -I), creatine kinase ( CK - MB) and tumor necrosis factor ( TNF - α) were recorded. And postoperative adverse drug reactions including nausea, chill and delirium were observed. Results The levels of serum MDA were ( 19.67 ± 2.05 ) , (25.11 ± 2.82), (21.48±2.02)μmol·L^-1in treatment group and (27.56 ±2.24), (34.44 ±2.03), (28. 19 ±2.38) μmol·L^-1 in control group at T2 -T4. The levels of serum cTn -I were (3.82 ±0. 38), (3.12 ±0. 30), (2. 28 ± 0. 31 ) μg · L^-1 in treatment group and (5.24 ±0. 43), (4. 01 ±0. 32), (3.45 ±0. 29) μg · L^-1 in control group at T2 - T4. The levels of serum CK - MB were (29.98 ±4. 01 ), (22. 73 ±2. 66), ( 17.64 ±2. 81 ) U · L^-1 in treatment group and (41.07 ±5.68), (31.44 ±2.82), (24.55 ±3.78) U · L^-1 in control group at T2 -T4. The levels of serum TNF-α were (121.61 ± 16.52), (209.63 ±32. 11 ), (111.98 ± 15.32) pg · mL^-1 in treatment group and ( 154. 92 ± 18.34), (261.89 ± 35.49), ( 137.09 ± 19. 66) pg · mL^-1 in control group at T2 - T4. The levels of serum SOD were (73.29 ± 6.81 ), (71.52 ± 6. 18 ), ( 79.77 ± 6. 23 ) U · mL^-1 in treatment group and ( 56.98 ± 6. 47), (52. 45 ± 6, 09), (64. 58 ± 6. 39) U · mL^-1 in control group at T2 -T4. The levels of serum NO were (24.81 ±3.99), (27.21 ±4.07), (40.62 ± 4.72) μmol · L^-1 in treatment group and (17.25 ± 3.25), ( 19.74 ± 3.08) , ( 28.69 ± 3.47 ) μmol · L^- 1 in control group at T2 - T4. The levels of serum MDA, eTn - I, CK - MB, TNF - α, SOD and NO at T2 - T4 in treatment group had significant difference compared with control group (P 〈 0. 05 ). There was no significant difference on the incidence of nausea and delirium between two groups. The incidence of chill declined in treatment group was 6. 67% (2/30), had significant difference with 26. 67% (8/30) in control group (P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion Intravenous injection of dexmedetomidine 0. 5 μg · kg^-1 · h^- 1 during general anesthesia can reduce myocardium isehemia -reperfusion in elderly patients undergoing eardiopulmonary bypass.
The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
senior patients
myocardial ischemia - reperfusion injury
cardiopulmonary bypass