
近三十年来美国犹太人的社会性变迁 被引量:2

Social Changes of American Jews in the Last Three Decades
摘要 美国犹太社团常被定位为团结有力、影响深远的少数族裔利益团体。但是近三十年来,美国犹太人面临着越来越严峻的现代性挑战。他们在教派、世俗化理解、代际沟通、异族通婚、社团组织结构、与以色列关系等诸多方面,分歧日益明显。变化中的犹太人面临的矛盾比以往任何时候都要尖锐。是坚持还是被同化?是继承传统还是顺应现代化?是保持虔诚还是走向世俗化?是与种族之根以色列同呼吸共命运,还是和当前效忠的国家——美国站在一起?这些都在动摇并解构犹太社团人的团结和一致性。 American Jewish community is often positioned as a united, strong, far-reaching interests group of ethnic minority. But in the last thirty years, American Jews have been facing increasingly serious challenges of modernity. They have different opinions in many aspects like sects, secularized understanding, inter-generational communication, inter-racial marriage, social organizations' structure, relationship with Israel. Jews in change are facing contradictions sharper than before. Adhering to or being assimilated? Inheriting tradition or adapting to modernity? Keeping pious or being secularized? Sharing the same fate with root of the race-Israel, or standing together with the United States, a country to which they swore their allegiance? All these things are shaking and deconstructing the unity and consistency of the Jewish community.
作者 孙晓玲
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期87-94,共8页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
基金 广东哲学社会科学"十二五"规划2011年度课题"犹太游说的嬗变与美国中东外交政策研究(1990-2010)"(GD11YHQ01)的成果之一
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  • 9David Singer, Lawrence Grossman (eds.), American Jewish Year Book 2006, American Jewish Committee, New York, p. 135.
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