
教育需要的个体发生机制研究 被引量:1

Research on the Occurrence Mechanism of Education Needs
摘要 教育需要的个体发生是从微观的角度,探讨个体教育需要产生和发展的基础、条件和过程。研究教育需要的个体发生,不仅能够为反思实践中的教育价值实现问题提供一个视角,而且也为研究教育价值观念的个体发生奠定基础。认知需要和自我实现需要是教育需要个体发生的先天基础,自我意识的发展及其调节作用和个体存在环境中的"核心他人"的教育需要及其对个体的影响是教育需要个体发生的主客观条件。个体教育需要发生的过程包括具有先天性的个体认知需要的初步展现及其不断增强、发展性障碍的出现及其看护者作为"核心他人"的教育需要的逐渐出现等五个阶段。 Throughout the concurrent history of human and education and in the context of modern society,it's been a common belief that any person's growth and development cannot do without education. Education is becoming more and more valued either at the state,community or individual level. Although sometimes people may oppose,hate or reject education,they still have their education needs. This kind of phenomenon shows that people need valuable education on the one hand; on the other hand,it indicates that education need should have a reasonable boundary. It's true that people are dependent on education. The problems with education arise not only from the objective aspects of a country and society,but also from the subjective aspect of people's education needs. Education needs is not the synonyms for education,and researches on education needs show that the educational researchers are awakening again.At the microcosmic level,this research discusses the basis,conditions and process of the occurrence of the individual education needs. First of all,the basis of the individual education need is the need of cognition and self-actualization. According to Maslow,cognitive need characterized by objectivity,apriority and independence is very important for people. Maslow suggested that cognitive need included the desire of understanding,systematization,organization,analysis,seeking contact and craving significance,and these desires formed a small hierarchical relationship. Moreover,cognitive need is limitless and its expanding process involves happiness and anxiety. Cognitive need is not simply placed in the hierarchy of needs,but can be expressed at different levels. It is not only the way to get the basic security in the world,but also the expression of the self realization. Everyone has a need for self-actualization,which is a desire for self-fulfillment and an aptitude to make people realize their potentials. This aptitude helps enable a person to become more and more unique and anyone he can be. Secondly,the social and cultural environment and the need for core others are the objective preconditions for the need occurrence. The development of self-consciousness is the subjective core condition. Core others refer to those who have a direct impact on a person in the occurrence process of individual education needs,including significant others. The process of individual education needs should be the process of showing,enriching and realizing education needs gradually. This can rely on self maturity and regulation on the basis of respect for individual cognition and self actualization by influencing from the reasonable educational needs of the 'core others'in the objective environment. Finally,there are five stages for the occurrence process:( a) initial display and gradual enhancement of cognitive needs and self-actualization;( b) the emergence of obstacles to development and the gradual emergence of the education needs from caregivers as core others;( c) the occurrence of schooling and the involvement of teachers as other core others;( d) emergence of need conflicts and enhancement of development barriers and self realization needs; and( e) the gradual strengthening of self adjustment and the improvement of autonomy and consciousness and so on.
作者 张旸
出处 《华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期62-67,117,共6页 Journal of East China Normal University:Educational Sciences
基金 2015年度中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金重点资助项目(15SZZD01)
关键词 教育需要 个体发生机制 认知需要 发展性障碍 需要冲突 education needs individual occurrence mechanism cognitive need developmental disorder need conflict
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