
从“占有”到“生成”:儿童学习观的转换 被引量:14

From Possession to Generation: Transforming the Concept and Practice of Child Learning
摘要 儿童学习观是儿童观的重要组成内容之一。然而,由于人们对"儿童"、"发展"及"幸福"等持有不同的观点,便衍生出了有关"学习"的不同观念。这些学习观各具认识论基础,表现出不同的特点,对人们的教育观念和教育行为产生不同的影响。"学习即占有",它是人们在现代功利社会背景下,依据"成人-儿童"二元比较的他者思维框架,建构的以"匮乏"为基点、以"功利幸福"为目的、以"占有"为手段、以"效率"为标准的儿童学习观。这一学习观由于其特定的观念基础和价值追求,而使得其表现出根本的自身缺陷性。其实,超越二元比较的理解框架,直面儿童本身,儿童实际上并不是一类本质先定的匮乏性存在,而是拥有丰富发展潜能的生成着的人。"学习即生成",即是儿童内在的生命潜能在与环境的开放性相遇中生长变化的过程,儿童生命的内在规定性构成儿童生成性学习实现的基本条件。 It seems widely recognized that a child should be engaged in learning,and that his future happiness and accomplishments rely on his learning outcomes. Increasingly,child learning has attracted people's great attention. However,there are different points of view of the child,child development and happiness,leading to different concepts of learning closely related to child development and happiness. These learning concepts each have their own epistemological basis with their own characteristics,and have exerted influence on people's educational ideas and practices to varying degrees. Therefore,in promoting education reforms,it is very important to understand the child,clarify child learning and transform the educational concepts. The idea that learning is possession is a concept of child learning in the context of modern utilitarian society. Under the framework of the adult-child binary comparison,this concept is built on'scarcity',and it takes utilitarian happiness as the purpose,possession as the means and efficiency as the standard. This kind of learning concept has its defects due to its specific conceptual basis and values. In particular,the concept inverts the relationship between a child's life and his learning,ignores a child's active endogenous learning power,and separates the process of happiness from the results of happiness in child learning,and the holistic state of learning disappears.In fact,a child is neither inherently fixed nor a passive existence,but a generative human being who has great potential of development beyond the framework of adult- children binary comparison. Besides,generation and development are the inherent characteristics of a child's life process when regarded as a human being. The idea that learning is generation implies the process of a child's self-generation and self-creation. In this process,a child actively draws on his life experience based on his own needs and interests,and employs his psychological absorbability to interact with the environment frequently.As child learning is a generative development arising from his natural rhythm,it is of survival value.Specifically speaking,generative child learning is not a passive mechanical process driven by external forces,but a creative life process following the principle of genuine interest with a lot of positive experience. Generative child learning is different from that of external input,which is based on the objectivist empiricism. It emphasizes learning subjectivity and autonomy,which is based on direct experience. In addition,it attaches great importance to the unique value of a child's life and games in the process of his generation and development. Generative child learning is holistic. In the process,a child is ready to open himself,excited to embrace the whole world,and active in interacting with the environment in an integrated way. In the generative learning,a child experiences the unified happiness of the results and processes. Furthermore,based on the characteristics of a child's life,this generative learning has its own internal definition that constitutes the basic conditions for the realization of the generative learning. In other words,while immaturity is the primary condition for generative child learning,internal time is the basic scale and freedom is the basic requirement.
作者 张更立
出处 《华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期76-81,119,共6页 Journal of East China Normal University:Educational Sciences
基金 安徽省高校优秀青年人才基金重点项目"异化与回归:走向‘生活批判’的中国儿童教育研究"(gxyq ZD2016402) 全国教育科学规划教育部重点项目"农村幼儿教师县级培训机制创新研究"(DFA130250)
关键词 儿童 学习观 占有 生成 child development learning concept possession generation
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