Comprehensive development and utilization of agricultural resources in winter has been the concernof all sectors of society,the focus is how to increase the incomes of farmers and achieve the harmonious andsustainable development of agriculture,countryside and farmers.Farmers' enthusiasm is low in developingagriculture in winter in Duchang County,which was observed through random interviews with farmers,face toface communication with the agricultural science and technology promotion personnel and large scale grainproduction households,and questionnaire survey.The fallow field area was averagely 45.61% a year in winter.Except for special years,the year-to-year fluctuation of planting area of winter agriculture was relativelystable,with an average-0.24% a year,but the year-to-year yield of winter crops had a large increasing range,which was averagely of 3.79% a year.The yield increase was mainly benefited from the increasing input levelof agricultural materials,agriculture and agricultural technique.There were 4 main factors affecting thedevelopment of winter agriculture:firstly,the poor agricultural economic benefit and low enthusiasm of farmers;secondly,the lack of labor force and agricultural production capacity in rural areas;thirdly,the less prominentgeographical and regional advantage,and undeveloped large-scale mechanized production;fourthly,simpleplanting structure and low coordination between industries.At last,there were 4 ways and countermeasures fordeveloping and utilizing winter fallow field and increasing farmers' income:introducing relevant policies to mobilize farmers' enthusiasm;unifying planning and step-by-step implementation;increasing the intensity ofinvestment and developing scale cultivation;extending agricultural industry chain and realizing the integrationdevelopment of agricultural industry chain.
Journal of Agriculture
Winter Agriculture
Development and Utilization
Problems and Countermeasures
Duchang County