

Preliminary Analysis on the Usage of the Pottery Wares of the Western Zhou Dynasty at Chenjiahe Site, Shandong Province
摘要 陈家河遗址延鲁北地区西周时期一处重要遗址,出土了一批包含典咽周文化特征和以素面鬲为代表的东夷土著文化的重要遗物,大致相当于晚商至西周早期山东地区东夷土著文化遗存,与长岛珍珠门、潍坊汇泉皮为代表的"珍珠门文化"一脉相承。陈家河遗址中尽管存在着素面鬲和绳纹鬲两种不同文化因素的器物,但可能不是由周人和夷人两个族群分别单独使用,而更可能是归某一族群使用,应是陈家河遗址的先人即接受了周文化的夷人族群所共用。 The Chenjiahe Site is an important site of the Western Zhou Dynasty in the northern Shandong area, from which a number of important artifacts with distinctive characteristics of the Zhou culture and the native culture of the Dongyi tribes represented by undecorated//-cauldrons were unearthed. Among these, the native culture of Dongyi tribes in the Shandong area during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties is roughly equivalent to the native cultural remains of Dongyi tribes during the late Shang to the early Western Zhou Dynasties, and were from the same origin with the so-called Zhenzhumen Culture repre- sented by the Zhenzhumen Site in Changdao County and Huiquanzhuang Site in Weifang City. Despite the coexistence of undecorated and cord patterned li-cauldrons of two different cultural elements at the Chenjiahe Site, they might not have been used by the peoples of Zhou and Yi independent from each other, and more likely were used by a particular ethnic group, who were the ancient residents of the Chenjiahe Site, i.e. the Yi people who had accepted the Zhou Culture.
出处 《文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期47-52,1,共6页 Cultural Relics
基金 国家社科重大基金项目"中国国家起源研究的理论与方法"(项目编号:12&ZD133) 国家社科青年基金项目"山东北部商周时期盐业生产组织综合研究"(项目编号:15CKG008)的资助
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