

A Study of College Students' Mobile Media Literacy Based on TAM
摘要 自手机从"通讯工具"变身为"个人多媒体移动终端",手机的媒介传播力量不仅影响着媒介生态,更影响用户的媒介选择。研究以技术接受模型为理论基础,采用问卷调查的方式,了解大学生的手机媒介素养现状及大学生对于手机移动设备的接受程度与大学生媒介素养之间的关系。结果发现:大学生手机媒介素养处于中等水平,有待进一步提高;不同学科及生源地的大学生对于手机移动设备自我感知有用性、感知易用性和使用态度及自身的媒介认知、媒介批判与媒介利用方面存在差异;大学生对于手机移动设备的自我感知有用性、感知易用性和使用态度影响其自身的媒介认知、媒介批判与媒介利用水平。 Since the development of mobile phone from the communications tools to a personal multimedia mobile terminals,mobile media transmission force not only influences the media ecology,but also influences the medium of choice for users. This research based on the theory of technology acceptance model,with the method of questionnaire,to study the status quo of mobile media literacy of college students,the relationship between college students for mobile equipment acceptance and their media literacy. The results showed that college students' mobile media literacy is in the medium level and remains to be further higher; college students from different subjects and areas have great differences in such aspects as for mobile equipment self-perceived usefulness,perceived ease of use and use of attitude and their medium of cognition,media criticism and media use; college students for mobile device of self-perceived usefulness,perceived ease of use and the use of cognitive attitudes affect their own media cognition,media criticism and media utilization level.
作者 范牡丹
出处 《渭南师范学院学报》 2016年第16期92-96,F0003,共6页 Journal of Weinan Normal University
基金 陕西省科学技术研究发展计划项目:陕西教师队伍发展建设研究--县域环境下师资队伍建设研究(2013KRM47-02) 渭南师范学院教育科学研究项目:渭南市中小学教师流动情况的调研与分析(2013JYKX009) 渭南师范学院人文社科项目:渭南教师继续教育和职后教育效果评价和对策研究(13SKYB020)
关键词 TAM 手机媒介素养 媒介认知 媒介批判 大学生 TAM mobile media literacy media cognition media criticism college students
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