美国联邦调查局实验室(FBI Laboratory)是美国联邦调查局即FBI的下属机构之一,负责为FBI、各州和地方执法机关提供现勘、DNA、指纹、枪弹工具痕迹、爆炸等物证的检验鉴定服务,现位于美国弗吉尼亚州匡蒂科的海军陆战队基地内,有七百多名科学家和探员,是世界上最优秀的物证鉴定科学实验室之一。本文就其部门隶属、部门设置与职能、建设概况等作简要介绍。
The FBI laboratory, a division under the United States’ Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), obligatorily provides forensic services about forensic response (crime scene investigation), DNA test, ifngerprint examination, ifrearms and toolmarks analysis, explosives detection and the others related on request from both the FBI and state plus local law enforcement agencies. The laboratory, reputed as one of the best laboratories of forensic science in the world, is currently located at Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Virginia, with more than 700 scientiifc experts and special agents working inside it. A brief introduction to this laboratory is here presented on its organization setup, divisions and services, constructions as well as on-going status.
Forensic Science and Technology