目的分析邹平县2013年流行性乙型脑炎(简称乙脑)流行病学特征,为防控乙脑提供科学依据。方法收集中国疾病预防控制信息系统乙脑监测信息报告管理系统2013年邹平县乙脑报告病例信息,采用描述流行病学方法分析其流行病学特征。结果 2013年邹平县报告乙脑病例22例,发病率为3.01/10万。发病时间为8~10月,其中9月份为发病高峰,发病19例,占86.36%。病例主要集中在45岁以上(17例,占77.27%);地区分布以农村为主(21例,占95.45%),职业主要为农民(18例,占81.82%)。临床症状主要为发热(95.45%)、意识障碍(72.73%)、呕吐(45.45%)、嗜睡(40.91%)。结论邹平县乙脑以成人发病为主,应探索开展成人乙脑疫苗接种。
Objective To analyze the epidemiologic feature of epidemic encephalitis B(encephalitis B in brief) in Zouping country in 2013 and provide scientific basis for preventing and controlling the encephalitis B. Methods The encephalitis B report case information in Zouping country in 2013 in the encephalitis B reporting information system in the national disease reporting information system was collected, and the its epidemiologic features were analyzed by the descriptive epidemiological method. Results 22 encephalitis B cases were reported in Zouping country in 2013, the morbidity was 30.1/100 thousand, the disease time was 8-10 months, among them, September was the incidence peak with 19 cases, accounting for 86.36 %, the cases mainly concentrated on patients above 45 years old(17 cases, accounting for 77.27%), in rural areas( 21 cases, accounting for 95.45%) and whose occupation was farmer(18 cases, accounting for 81.82%), and the clinical symptoms were mainly fever(95.45%), awareness disorder(72.73%), vomiting(45.45%) and drowsiness(40.91%). Conclusion Encephalitis B mainly occurs to adults in Zouping, and we should explore the adult encephalitis B vaccination.
China Health Industry