
检验前质量控制在生化检测中的应用及其重要性分析 被引量:5

Application of Quality Control before Inspection in the Biochemical Test and Analysis of Importance
摘要 目的探讨检验前质量控制在生化检测中的应用效果及其重要性,为提高临床生化检验质量提供参考。方法选取于2014年4月—2016年4月入该院接受生化检测的患者90例,按入院先后顺序分为观察组和对照组,每组45例,首次生化检测时2组患者均按常规标准进行,并做好检测前质量控制工作。再次检测时观察组于检验前做好质量控制工作后进行检测,而对照组检测前未进行充分的检测前质量控制,比较两组患者的两次检测结果。将观察组血液样本随机分为两份,分别在规范的送检时间和经低温储存7 h之后进行检测,比较其检测结果。结果初次检测结果显示,两组患者血液红细胞计数(RBC)、血清白蛋白(ALB)、测定值无明显差异(P>0.05)。再次检测结果显示,观察组上述各指标与初次检测差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),但对照组上述各指标检测结果均高于初次检测结果,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),同时与观察组相应指标的检测结果也有明显差异(P<0.05)。经低温储存7 h之后进行检测的检测结果均低于在规范送检时间内的检测结果(P<0.05)。结论检验前质量控制可提高临床生化检测质量,为临床医师判断病情提供重要依据,具有重要应用价值。 Objective To study the application effect and importance of quality control before inspection in the biochemical test and its importance and provide reference for improving the clinical biochemical test quality. Methods 90 cases of patients receiving the biochemical test in our hospital from April 2014 to April 2016 were selected and divided into two groups with 45 cases in each according to the admission order, both groups underwent the first biochemical test according to the conventional standards and did a good job in the quality control before test, in the second test, the observation group were detected after doing a good job in the quality control before test, while the control group were detected without adequate quality control before test, and the two test results were compared between the two groups, the blood samples in the observation group were randomly divided into two, and respectively tested in the standardized inspection time and after 7h of store with low temperature, and the test results were compared. Results The first test results showed that there was no obvious difference in the blood red-cell count, serum albumin and measurement value between the two groups(P0.05)the difference between the second test results and first test results had no statistical significance in the observation group(P0.05) but the second test results in the control group were higher than those in the first test results, and the differences had statistical significance(P0.05)at the same time, there were obvious differences in the corresponding indicators between the control group and the observation group(P0.05)and the test results after 7h of store with low temperature were lower than those in the standardized inspection time(P0.05). Conclusion The quality control before test can improve the clinical biochemical test quality and provide major basis for determining disease condition by clinicians, which is of important application value.
作者 常朝晖
出处 《中国卫生产业》 2016年第17期93-95,共3页 China Health Industry
关键词 生化检测 检验前质量控制 应用 重要性 检测质量 Biochemical test Quality control before test Application Importance Detection quality
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