Since the practice constraints such as high mobility fading channel, multi--access and topological changes quick, interference adjustment which based on cooperation may result in the energy efficiency drops, delay, complexity increases dramatically and drop reliability. So based on the separable mechanism and methods of signal aliasing, this project focus on solving the following problems: (1)Analysis the signal structuring and statistic characteristics including separable mechanism of signal aliasing under high mobility circumstance, evaluation mechanism and the optimization design of the anti--interference technology. (2)Investigate the multiple access strategy including interference avoidance theory and method on account of orthogonai signal design, interference separation theory and method based on structured and random signal property, universal signal multiplexing technology. (3)Inter network interference avoidance theory and method on the basis of cognition contain spectrum sensing strategy in high mobility scene, communication reliability mechanism based on the cognition and spectrum sharing strategy on account of cognition under high mobility circumstance. Meanwhile, this project will be responsible for organization and implementation an experimental platform of key transmission technology under high mobilityscenarios in order to test and verify the research results of the whole project group.
Science and Technology Innovation Herald
Interference Suppression
Interference separation
Interference avoidance
Interference coordination! Aliasing signal separation
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