
酸角的化学成分及生物活性研究现状 被引量:9

Current research status on chemical components and biological activities of Tamarindus indica Linn.
摘要 酸角(Tamarindus indica Linn.)为苏木科酸角属的亚热带常绿大乔木经济植物。酸角各部位中不仅含有丰富的营养成分,还在传统医学中广泛应用。迄今的研究证明,酸角叶、果肉、籽及根皮提取物具有较好的抗菌、抗炎、解毒、止痛、降血糖及降血脂等生物活性。人们在对酸角提取物的化学成分进行研究中分离鉴定了多种类型的次生代谢产物,引起广泛的关注。作者以近年来有关酸角化学成分及生物活性的研究成果进行综述,旨在为酸角的深入研究和应用开发提供有益的参考依据。 Tamarindus indica Linn. tamarinds,belonging to the family Caesalpiniaceae,is a kind of large subtropical evergreen tree. Every part of tamarind has rich nutritional value and broad usage in traditional medicine since ancient times. Recent studies suggest extraction of leaves,flesh,seeds,and velamina of T. indica Linn. have numerous biological activities such as anti-microbial,anti-inflammatory,detoxification,analgesic,antidiabetic and anti-hyperlipidemiactions. A great interest has been seen in various secondary metabolites isolated and identified from chemical components of T. indica Linn. In this review article,we summarize recent achievement in chemical components and biological activities of T. indica Linn.,aiming to provide a useful reference for further study and exploitation of T. indica Linn..
出处 《国际药学研究杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期697-704,共8页 Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research
基金 云南省大学生创新创业训练资助项目(2015104)
关键词 酸角 化学成分 生物活性 Tamarindus indica Linn. chemical components biological activities
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