通过标定后的50km/h正撞台车模型,分析了THUMS人体模型和Hybrid III假人模型头部和胸部的伤害指标,验证了THUMS人体模型和Hybrid III假人在评估人体头部和胸部损伤方面的一致性,得出了THUMS人体模型在评估正撞乘员头部和胸部伤害方面具有较高精度的结论。通过优化后的台车模型,进一步分析了两种模型头部与胸部的伤害指标。结果表明,THUMS人体模型在评估大脑、颅骨、肋骨和心脏与肺部等内脏器官的损伤方面明显优于Hybrid III假人。总的来说,THUMS人体模型能更全面地评估和预测人体损伤,有利于约束系统和损伤评估标准的改进和完善。
With the frontal crash sled model calibrated at 50km /h, the head and chest injury indices of THUMS human model and Hybrid III dummy model are analyzed,verifying the consistency between THUMS model and Hybrid Ⅲ dummy in assessing head and chest injury indices and drawing a conclusion that THUMS model has higher accuracy by comparison. Furthermore,the head and chest injury indices with two models are analyzed again with optimized sled model. The results show that THUMS model is obviously superior to Hybrid Ⅲ dummy in assessing the injuries of brain, skull,ribs and internal organs like heart and lung. On the whole, THUMS model can more comprehensively assess and predict the injuries of human body,conducive to the improvement and perfection of occupant restraint system and injury assessment standard.
Automotive Engineering