
法国学生参与大学内部治理的历史演变及启示 被引量:4

The Historical Evolution and Enlightenment of French Students' Participating in University Internal Governance
摘要 法国大学生参与大学内部治理历史悠久,在中世纪大学治理机构中就有学生代表参与,近代大学中学生代表被排除在治理机构之外,20世纪60年代以来学生代表重新进入大学内部治理机构,成为大学治理的重要主体。法国3所大学的大学章程明确规定了学生代表在三大委员会中的席额,学生代表在三大委员会中人数多、占比大,对政策和决议的影响也较大,且对三个委员会中学生代表的资格有具体的要求。这对我国大学章程的建设和完善具有一定的启示:一是可尝试在大学治理机构中增设学生代表,并明确其在各机构中的具体席位或比例;二是针对不同的治理机构对学生代表提出不同的资格要求;三是要注意大学生参与大学治理机构的限度问题。同时,我国大学不能盲目照搬法国的做法,应在进行充分调研和试点的基础上,根据不同大学的文化传统,确定学生能够参与哪些治理机构,需要发挥何种作用,以免学生利益诉求无限膨胀,从而影响大学决策。 The French students' participating in university governance organizations has a long history. The medieval governance organizations had some representatives of students to participate, while in modern times students are excluded from the governance organizations, but since the 1960s representatives of students enter into the university internal governance organizations again and become an important subject of university governance. The statutes of three universities in France make clear regulations: the seats of student representatives are specified in the three committee; the number and proportion of the student is bigger, and the influences are increasing on policies and decisions; in order to improve studentsJ decision abilities three universities have specific qualifications to the student representatives in the committees. All those have enlightenment on the construction and improvement of the university,s statutes in China. Firstly,it is advisable to have the representatives of students in the university governance organization, specify the numbers or proportions ; secondly, in terms of dif-ferent governance structure, different qualifications for the representatives of students are put forward ; thirdly, the limited degree for the students participating in the university governance should be regulated. At the same time, the university in China should not follow the measures of France blindly. Based on the fully investigation and practice, according to different culture tradition of universities, then the students can be allowed to participate in the governance or not, to fulfill what kinds of function , to avoid the limitless demands and issues of students’ interests, even to affect the overall strategy of the university.
出处 《重庆高教研究》 2016年第4期41-46,共6页 Chongqing Higher Education Research
关键词 法国 学生参与 大学治理 历史演变 France students’ participation university governance historical evolution
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