为了保证基于Linux与Vx Works操作系统的C/C++软件代码的质量,需要对软件源代码进行Klocwork检查。分别以SVN与Clear Case作为配置管理工具,将Klocwork工具分别在不同的操作系统下完成安装与配置之后,对C/C++源代码进行Klocwork检查。介绍了Linux环境下配置管理工具SVN客户端安装、SVN版本库的代码更新、Klocwork工具的安装与配置、Clear Case版本库的代码更新、以及Klocwork分别在Linux与Vx Works操作系统下进行Klocwork检查的步骤。给出了Klocwork检查分别在Linux与Vx Works操作系统中的详细检查步骤与检查脚本,以及对已经被检查出来的缺陷的处理。典型案例表明,Klocwork检查有助于及时发现并解决C/C++软件源代码的各种缺陷,从而提高软件质量和安全性。
In order to ensure the quality of code in C/C++ based on Linux and Vx Works operating system,the Klocwork Checking for source code is needed. With SVN and Clear Case as configuration manage-ment tool,installing and allocating of Klocwork tool in different operating system,then doing Klocwork checking for C / C ++ source code. Described in detail the Linux environment SVN client installation,code update of the SVN repository,installing and allocating of Klocwork tool,code update of the ClearC ase repository,the scripts and detailed steps for Klocwork checking in both Linux and Vx Works operating system are given and disposal of the checked defects. Finally a typical case is introduced. Practice shows that the Klocwork checking help to timely discover and solve all kinds of flaws of the C / C ++ code,to improve software quality and safety.
Aeronautical Computing Technique