
信息方式与哲学方式 被引量:4

The Modes of Information and Philosophical Approaches
摘要 信息技术的演变造成了人类处理和传播信息的方式发生演变,而信息方式的演变造就了哲学方式的演变,使得信息技术和哲学发展之间具有了紧密的联系。从总体过程来看,口耳相传的信息方式造就了"前哲学方式",文字和印刷的信息方式造就了"正统哲学方式",而电子信息方式造就的是"后现代哲学方式"。如果将哲学与其传播的媒介联系起来,可以发现哲学自身在风格和内容上的种种不同特点,例如我们可以发现传播方式的差异常常会导致哲学的差异。信息方式的变化之所以会引起哲学方式的变化,一个重要的原因,就是它作为我们接触世界的媒介,其变化必然导致我们以新的方式看待自己和周围的世界,从而影响着我们的认识论。基于哲学就是认识论的道理,信息技术如果改变了我们看待世界的方式,也就改变了我们所看到的世界,即改变了我们的世界观;由于哲学就是世界观,所以信息技术也就改变了哲学。 The evolution of information technology has brought about the changes of how humans process and transmit information, and these changes facilitate the ways of philosophy to evolve. Viewed from the perspective of overall process, the mouth-to-ear information transmission has created a "pre-philosophical approach", information in writing and print has brought about the "orthodox philosophy approach", and the electronic information is crea- ting the "post-modem philosophy approach". Philosophy and transmitting medium viewed in connection, we can find in philosophy differences of style and substance and that differences in the ways of propagation often lead to differences in philosophy. An important reason why how information is transmitted lead to how philosophy evolves is that as to changes of media through which we see the world lead to the changes of how we see the world and ourselves, so change our epistemology, of which the essence is based on philosophy. Information technology changes the way we see the world and it also changes our view of the world, i.e. , philosophy.
作者 肖峰
出处 《洛阳师范学院学报》 2016年第4期1-9,共9页 Journal of Luoyang Normal University
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(152D13019) 教育部人文社会科学项目(11YJA720030)
关键词 信息方式 哲学 媒介 mode of information philosophy media
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