目的建立完全性骶上脊髓损伤后神经源性膀胱大鼠模型的制作方法,并进行尿流动力学分析和评价。方法 40只成年Sprague-Dawley大鼠随机分为对照组(n=10)和实验组(n=30)。实验组采用改良的脊髓横断法制作T_(10)脊髓损伤模型,术后采用Crede手法辅助排尿并记录尿量,记录单天成模大鼠只数。模型稳定后对所有大鼠进行尿流动力学检测,HE染色观察膀胱的组织形态学差异。结果实验组大鼠死亡4只。模型大鼠尿量在术后第18天减少至相对稳定水平,术后21 d模型成功24只。实验组膀胱最大容量小于对照组(t=3.150,P=0.021),膀胱基础压力、膀胱最大压力、漏尿点压力明显大于对照组(t>3.125,P<0.01),膀胱顺应性明显小于对照组(t=5.330,P=0.002)。结论脊髓横断法完全性骶上脊髓损伤可复制痉挛性神经源性膀胱大鼠模型。
Objective To establish the rat model for neurogenic bladder after complete suprasacral spinal cord injury,and analyze the urodynamics.Methods Forty adult Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into control group(n=10) and experimental group(n=30).The spinal cord injury model on T10 was made with modified spinal cord transaction.The Crede's method was used to urinate assistantly after modeling.The amounts of urine and successful rat model everyday were recorded.The urodynamics was measured in both groups,and the morphology was observed with HE staining.Results Four rats died in the experimental group.The amount of urine was the least and stable on the 18 th day,and 24 rats were successfully modeled on the 21 st day.Compared with the control group,maximum bladder capacity decreased(t=3.150,P=0.021),bladder base pressure,maximum bladder pressure and leak point pressure increased(t3.125,P〈0.01),and bladder compliancy decreased(t=5.330,P=0.002) in the experimental group.Conclusion The complete suprasacral after spinal cord injury of neurogenic bladder in a rat model of manufacturing method is of high reliability,good repeatability,and low coefficient of variable characteristics for spastistic neurogenic bladder basic experimental studies.
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice