
影响食品行业社会组织参与食品安全风险治理能力的主要因素研究 被引量:11

Main factors affecting social organizations' capabilities of involving in food safety risk management in food industry
摘要 事实再次证明,单纯由政府主导的食品安全监管模式已无法满足人们对于食品安全的消费需求。政府和市场在食品安全风险治理中出现的政府公权和市场私权的"双重失灵",迫切需要社会组织的参与。本文通过深度访问和问卷调查的形式,基于主成分分析方法将影响食品行业社会组织参与食品安全风险治理能力的影响因素指标融合为互不相关的综合指标,并由此构建了多元线性回归模型,研究了影响食品行业的社会组织参与食品安全风险治理能力的主要因素。研究结果表明,社会组织的公信力、与政府的关系、政府支持力度、社会组织的信息公开程度、专职人员的数量与质量等因素与其参与治理能力存在较强的正相关;社会组织法定代表人年龄、现职国家机关公务人员在组织内担任职务的比例与其参与治理的能力存在较高的负相关。因此,社会组织在食品安全的风险治理中是否能发挥自身独有的优势,弥补政府和市场在食品安全风险中的双重失灵,内在地取决于社会组织的外部环境、内部治理结构与内部管理水平。构建具有中国特色的食品安全社会共治体系亟需逐步完善社会组织的立法,明确社会组织的法律地位,确保社会组织在法律框架下按照各自的章程自主性地开展的各种活动,政府在法律框架下履行支持社会组织发展的职能力度;同时优化内部人员结构,建设具有数量充足、能力结构基本完备的工作人员队伍,并依据改革要求,优化法定代表人的结构,建立诚信信息服务平台,提升自身的社会公信度,由此保障社会组织在参与食品安全风险治理过程中的独立性,发挥自身专业性、自治性等优势。 It has been proved again that, food safety regulatory dominated by government can' t meet consumers' food safety demands completely. Due to the ' double failure' of government public right and market private right in food safety risk management, it is in the urgent need of participation of social organizations. In this paper, a principal component analysis method was used to merge influencing factors into orthogonal composite indicators based on in-depth interview and questionnaire survey data, then the main factors influencing food industry social organizations' ability to participate in food safety risk management were analyzed using a multiple linear regression model. The survey found that, the credibility of social organization, the relationship with the government, the government support, and the information disclosure level of social organization, the quantity and quality of full-time staff had positive effects on social organizations' ability to participate in food safety risk management. On the contrary, the age of social organizations' legal representative, the proportion of current national authority for public servants within the organization had negative effects on social organizations' ability to participate in food safety risk management. Therefore, whether the social organizations could play their own unique advantages, and made up the ' double failure' of government and market in food safety risk management, depend on the external environment of social organization, internal governance and internal management level inherently. In order to build food safety system of social cohabitation with Chinese characteristics, there are two requirements. On the one hand, we need to improve legislation of social organization gradually, to clarify the legal status of social organization, and to ensure the social organization carry out activities according to their articles of association autonomy under the legal framework and the government exercise the function of social organization development efforts under the legal framework. On the other hand, we need to optimize the internal personnel structure and establish a strong team with adequate number and competent staff. Meanwhile, in order to guarantee the independence of social organizations involved in food safety risk management, and to play their professionalism and autonomy, we need to optimize structure of legal representative according with the requirements of reform, and to establish credit information service platform to raise their social credibility.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期167-176,共10页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"食品安全风险社会共治研究"(批准号:14ZDA069) 江苏省博士后科研资助项目"基于社会共治的食品安全风险市场治理体系研究"(批准号:1402074C) 江苏省高校人文社科优秀创新团队"中国食品安全风险防控"(批准号:2013-011) 江苏省2015年研究生科研创新计划"影响社会组织参与食品安全风险治理能力的主要因素研究"(批准号:KYZZ15-0311)
关键词 社会组织 食品安全风险 参与治理能力 主成分分析 多元线性回归 social organization food safety risk ability to participate in management principal component analysis muhivariablelinear regression
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