
cNO期甲状腺乳头状癌中央区淋巴结转移影响因素分析 被引量:5

Risk factors for central lymph node metastasis in cNO papillary thyroid carcinoma
摘要 目的总结PTC预防性中央区淋巴结清扫结果并分析中央区淋巴结(CLN)转移影响因素。方法回顾性分析453例oN0PTC患者临床资料,采用矿检验和Logistic回归模型进行统计分析。结果CLN转移率为45.3%(205/453)。单因素分析显示:CLN转移与性别、年龄、包膜侵犯、肿瘤最大径、累及双侧或峡部、多灶性及结节性甲状腺肿(简称“结甲”)显著相关(P〈0.05)。多因素分析显示:肿瘤最大径〉2cm(OR=3.935),年龄〈45岁(OR=1.954)及男性(OR=1.741)是CLN转移独立危险因素,而结甲(OR=0.422)是CLN转移保护因素。暂时性和永久性低钙血症发生率分别为30.9%,0.7%,暂时性和永久性RLN损伤发生率分别为2.2%,0.2%。结论cN0 PTC有较高的CLN转移率,肿瘤大小〉2em,〈45岁和男性患者是CLN转移高危因素。对oN0 PTC患者施行预防性中央区淋巴结清扫安全必要。 Objective To summarize the results of prophylactic central neck dissection (pCND) for pap- illary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and to analyze related factors for central lymph nodes metastasis (CLNM). Meth- otis 453 patients with cN0 PTC were analyzed retrospectively. x2 test and logistic regression analysis were ap- plied to statistical analysis. Results CLNM rate was 45.3% (205/453). Univariate analysis showed that CLNM was closely related with sex, age, capsular invasion, tumor size, diseased lobes, multifocality and nodular goiter (P〈0.05). Multivariate analysis showed that tumor size greater than 2 cm (OR=3.935), age less than 45 years (OR= 1.954) and male sex (OR=1.741) were independent risk factors for CLNM, while nodular goiter was protective factor for CLNM (0R=0.422). Rate of temporary and permanent hypocalcemia was 30.9% (140/453) and 0.7 %(3/ 453)respectively, while rate of temporary and permanent recurrent laryngeal nerve injury was 2.0% (9/453) and 0.2% (1/453) respectively. Conclusions CLNM is relatively common in cN0 PTC patients. Tumor size greater than 2 era, age less than 45 years and male sex are high-risk factors of CLNM. It's safe and necessary to perform pCND for patients with cN0 PTC.
出处 《中华内分泌外科杂志》 CAS 2016年第4期291-293,共3页 Chinese Journal of Endocrine Surgery
关键词 甲状腺乳头状癌 颈淋巴结清除术 中央区淋巴结 Papillary thyroid carcinoma Neck dissection Central compartment lymph node
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