
美国网络安全面临的新挑战及应对策略 被引量:9

US Cyber Security:New Challenges and Its Coping Strategies
摘要 2015年以后,美国的网络安全形势出现了新挑战。网络犯罪呈现出更大的破坏性,恐怖组织频繁利用网络扩大影响,俄罗斯黑客逐渐成为美国在网络空间的主要威胁。为了应对数字领域的新挑战,奥巴马政府调整了美国的网络安全政策。2016年推出的《网络安全国家行动计划》,在总结奥巴马七年多执政经验的基础上对美国在数字时代面临的问题提出了策略方针。美国通过各种手段强化打击网络恐怖主义力度,完善政府与私营企业的合作,努力推动国际层面的网络安全合作。未来,美国将采取一系列措施来巩固网络空间稳定。美国将强化网络威慑能力建设,加强网络安全信息共享并清理美国境内的恶意网络行为,在网络空间攻坚克难,为实现本国的政治、经济、安全等利益打下坚实基础。 There have been challenges new to the cyber security of the United States since 2015. Cyber crimes have turned to be more destructive; terrorist organizations have frequently made unlawful use of the cyber to extend their influence; and Russian hackers have gradually become the main threat to the US in cyber space. In order to deal with those new challenges in digital area, the Obama administration has adjusted American cyber security policy and implemented the Cyber security National Action Plan in 2016,which put forward the strategy towards the problems in digital era. The US has made efforts to strengthen the fight against cyber terrorism by different means, to improve the cooperation between government and private enterprise and to promote international cooperation. In the future, America will take a series of measures to consolidate the stabilization in cyber space.The US will also strengthen the construction of cyber deterrence capability,improve the information-sharing of cyber security and clean up the malicious cyber behavior within the US. The U.S. has made a visible effort to lay a solid foundation for its political, economic development and for its national security and other interests.
作者 李恒阳
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期101-121,7,共21页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
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  • 1Nat Katin-Borland," Cyberwar: A Real and Growing Threat," in Sean S. Costigan and Jake Perry eds. , Cyberspac- es and Global Affairs ( England: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2012) p. 3.
  • 2Gary McGraw, "Cyber War Is Inevitable ( Unless We Build Security In), " The Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2013, p. 109.
  • 3Joseph R. Swedish, "A Letter from Our CEO," February 13, 2015, available at : https://www, anthemfacts, com/.
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  • 6Ted Claypoole and Theresa Payton, Protecting Your Internet Identity: Are You Naked Online? ( Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2012), p. 99.
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