4National Commission on Excellence in Education. A Nation at Risk:The Imperative for Educational Reform. April, 1983.
5Goals 2000: Reforming Education to Improve Student Achievement. April 30, 1998. 2009年9月26日取自 http: //www. ed. gov/pubs/G2KReforming/ g2chl.html.
6Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regula- tors. National Curriculum Assessments: Regulatory Framework. Feb, 2009. 2009年9月27日取自http: //www. ofqual. gov. uk/136. aspx.
7Finn C E. , Ravitch D. Education Reform 1995-- 1996: A Report from the Educational Excellence Network to Its Education Policy Committee and the American People. August, 1996. 取自Education Resources Information Center.
8National Association for Sport &Physical Education. Moving into the Future-National Physical Education Standards: A Guide to Content and Assessment.
9Illinois State Board of Education. Mathematics Performance Descriptors: Grades 1--5. 2002. 2009 年9月26日取自http.. //www. isbe. state. il. us/ils/math/capd. htm.