在慢速分断阻性负载条件下,试验研究了Ag、Ag Ni10、Ag Sn O_212、Ag Cd O124种触头9V/10.5A和9V/19A条件下的分断金属液桥现象。得到了分断过程中金属液桥电压、电流、电阻和功率的变化规律,使用高速摄像机和显微镜拍摄分断过程,得到了金属液桥几何形貌,用激光共聚焦显微镜研究了分断后阴极和阳极的表面形貌特征。结果表明,4种触头电特征曲线具有类似的变化规律,在金属液桥分断过程中发现多次火花放电现象,4种触头金属液桥产生的材料转移都是由阳极转移到阴极。
Th is paper exp erim e ntally studied the phonom ena o f m olten bridge o f fo u r contacts ( i. e. , A g ,A g N ilO , A g S n 0 212 and A g C d 0 1 2 ) in the co n d itio n o f slow separation w ith resistive load. The analysis o f thech a ra ctristic waveforms ( in c lu d in g vo lta g e , c u rre n t, resistance and p o w e r) was presented. The breaking process andimage o f m olten bridge were obtained by high speed camera. A cco rd in g to the m orphology o f su rfa ce , the masstransfer d ire ctio n between contacts was analyzed. The results indica te that the ch a racte ristic waveforms o f the fo u rcontacts have the s im ila r tre nd over tim e. M o re o ve r,a phenom enon o f ‘‘ fla s h ” occurred more than o n c e , and themass transfer caused by m olten bridge was fro m anode to cathode fo r a ll the fo u r m aterials.
Electrical & Energy Management Technology