随着现代制造业的快速发展及智能化生产的需求,越来越多的企业能快速响应市场需求,选择高效的、正确率高的参数化设计方法和工具。主要是基于Solid Works以及Excel软件,对零部件参数化设计的大体流程进行简要的阐述。具体引用石油钻机用泥浆泵缸套和活塞系列设计项目,形象生动地说明了参数化设计的流程和优点。
With the rapid development of modern manufacturing industry and the demand of intelligent production, more andmore enterprises can quickly response to the market demand to select parametric design methods and tools of high efficiencyand high accuracy. In this paper, the general process of the parametric design for the parts is briefly described based on theSolidWorks and Excel sheet. Taken the design project of mud pump liner and piston series for drilling rig for example, the pa-per vividly illustrates the process and the advantages of parametric design.
Mechanical Research & Application