2015年10月,基于钻石DA42 MPP平台的双载荷测绘型特种飞机在奥地利完成了首次验证飞行[1]。本文对DA42 MPP飞机平台的性能与特性,双载荷系统的组成与架构做了介绍,并对此次验证飞行案例中的飞行数据和测绘数据的质量、精度进行了分析与评估。结果表明,双载荷系统可以同时协同工作,所获取的航测数据的质量与精度满足测绘行业的国家规范和标准,基于钻石DA42 MPP的双载荷测绘型特种飞机能够满足航拍航测任务。
On Oct.2015,the DA42MPP surveying aircraft had accomplished a demo flight in Austiia. We introduce the DA42MPP aircralt’including the key-parameters and features. We also give details information about its dual mission payload onboard. By evaluate on the acquired raw data and its quality,we verify that: the acquired data quality fit the national surveying specification and standard, furthermore,the DA42 MPP surveying aircraft can hold different aerial-surveying tasks.
Urban Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying