
高中生学业情绪现状及影响因素研究 被引量:2

The Investigation on the Status and Influential Factors of High School Students' Academic Emotion
摘要 根据我国学者董妍、俞国良于2007年编制的《青少年学业情绪问卷》做适当改编设计问卷,随机抽取铜仁市高一至高三年级共303名学生进行问卷调查,然后对调查所得的数据运用均值比较、方差分析、两两间进行t检验研究分析,得到如下结论:(1)从整体看,高中生的学业情绪波动较大,且积极学业情绪高于消极学业情绪;(2)所处年级、是否为独生子女、父亲文化程度、家庭类型、是否为学生干部、班主任领导方式对高中生学业情绪具有一定的影响;(3)高中生学业情绪在家庭氛围、母亲文化程度方面无太大差异;(4)家庭教养方式为民主型、家庭月收入为6000及以上的高中生积极学业情绪较高,学业成绩为差的高中生消极情绪相对其他较高。 Based on the questionnaire about the teenagers' Academic emotion written and edited by Chinese scholars-Dong Yan and Yu Guoliang in 2007, a new questionnaire is designed now. This questionnaire survey is conducted among 301 students of three grades from high school in Tongren. Its method is to investigate students with the questionnaire by random sampling. The data is analyzed by comparison of average value, analysis of variance and analysis of T-test between two students. Conclusions are drawn as below:(1)generally speaking, the positive academic emotion of high school students swings more than negative one;(2) Students' grades, whether they are only one child in the family, their fathers' education background, family status and whether they are student leaders, teachers' teaching method- all these factors all have some influence on students' academic emotion;(3) the family atmosphere and mothers' culture background have little influence on their academic emotion;(4) the high school students who live in a family with democratic parenting pattern and whose monthly earnings are more than 6000 RMB have more positive emotion than those students who have worse academic performance.
作者 徐永东 宁鲜
出处 《铜仁学院学报》 2016年第4期142-149,共8页 Journal of Tongren University
基金 贵州省教育厅高校人文社会科学研究项目(14ZC237)
关键词 学业情绪 现状 维度 影响因素 academic emotion status dimension influential factors
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