9月24日,习近平同志在纪念孔子诞辰2565周年国际学术研讨会暨国际儒学联合会第五届会员大会开幕会上发表重要讲话,强调要"努力实现传统文化的创造性转化、创新性发展,使之与现实文化相融相通,共同服务以文化人的时代任务"。此前,习近平同志已在多个场合多次强调"创造性转化、创新性发展"这个重大的文化方针。我们感到,在大力弘扬中华优秀传统文化,积极培育社会主义核心价值观的重要时期,习近平同志提出“两创”方针, 其历史和现实意义正如毛泽东同志20世纪4 0年代提出“推陈出新”、50年代提出“百花齐放、百家争鸣”方针一样,标志着我们党在新的历史条件下对文化发展规律和文化发展责任、使命、路径的认识达到一个新高度,必将对中华文化走向新辉煌发挥强有力的指导和推动作用。
On September 24, 2 0 1 4 , Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the InternationalConference in Commemoration of the 2 , 5 6 5 th Birth Anniversary of Confucius and thefifth Congress of the International Confucian Association. In his opening remarks, Xicalled on efforts wto creatively transform and innovatively develop traditional culture inorder to integrate it with contemporary culture and have it serve our current mission ofenlightening people through culture.” Xi had previously reiterated “creative transformationand innovative development” as a major principle for cultural development on morethan one occasion. At a time when we are working energetically to keep alive traditionalChinese culture and promote core socialist values, Xi's principle for cultural advancementbears the same historical and contemporary significance as Mao Zedong’s thoughtof “bringing forth the new from the old” in the 1 9 4 0 s and “letting a hundred flowersblossom and a hundred schools of thought contend, in the 1 9 5 0 s. In this way, they mark aheightening of the Party5s understanding of the rules of cultural development as well as ofthe duty, mission and methods under new historical conditions, and provide compellingguidance for advancing Chinese culture toward a glorious future.
Confucian Academy